Pindara Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Cyclone recovery announcement

Thank you for your patience as we prioritised safety during recent severe weather. Normal hospital services will resume from tomorrow, Tuesday 11 March.

Some procedures may still need to be delayed due to staff availability. Affected patients are being contacted, if you have any concerns about an appointment, please reach out to your specialist directly.

Please take care, follow public safety advice and allow extra time if you need to travel.

Trust us…it’s personal

Trust us…it’s personal

Everybody's birth journeys are different. We listen and celebrate your choices every step of the way.

Discover your personalised private maternity experience at Pindara Private Hospital.

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Initiatives to improve your care

Our Net Promoter Score:

Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score surveys help us to understand how well we are meeting patient expectations, and to identify any areas needing improvement.

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Clinical Quality Information

Clinical Quality Information

We have made it easier for consumers to find and understand information about our excellent patient outcomes and initiatives.

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Safety Initiatives

Safety Initiatives

We have introduced initiatives such as the Ramsay Rule and the Speak Up For Patient Safety Program, to promote patient safety and maintain high standards of care.

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People caring for people.

Ramsay Health Care's slogan "People Caring for People" was developed over 25 years ago and has become synonymous with the way we operate our business. We recognise that we operate in an industry where "care" is not just a value statement, but a critical part of the way we must go about our daily operations in order to meet the expectations of our customers - our patients and our staff.

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